Last Updated: February 12, 2025 01:03 (EST)
Top Player for 02-12-2025 is Icke 0815 from de14 with 773.78% points increase.
Top Fighter for 02-12-2025 is Susi Sorglos* from de10 with 1,072 battles.
Server Statistics |
Active Players |
188,117 |
Active Fighters |
153,794 |
Players above 1,000,000 pts |
402,851 |
Players above 100,000 pts |
580,892 |
Players above 5,000 pts |
789,671 |
Players above 10,000 fights |
197,726 |
Players above 1,000 fights |
394,377 |
Players above 100 fights |
620,387 |
Players without a Guild |
261,482 |
Inactive Players |
598,762 |
Top 10 Players Overall |
Gerdell | de10 | 11,668,585,435 |
Erzengelry | de7 | 10,229,552,149 |
Susi Sorglos* | de10 | 10,050,822,169 |
Thunderstar | de4 | 9,688,467,833 |
uke27 | de2 | 9,669,211,565 |
Carnivore | de7 | 9,368,004,293 |
Küsä | de12 | 9,068,668,436 |
Blondi 1 | de7 | 9,025,274,140 |
Wolle 61 | de13 | 8,902,264,931 | | de1 | 8,822,024,612 |
Top 10 Guilds Overall |
The Unity | de18 | 77,198 |
🕊️ Resurrection 🕊️ | de5 | 72,343 |
⚔️ NeXT ⚔️ | de23 | 69,488 |
OrCa | de21 | 66,275 |
Dark Angels | de17 | 63,485 |
🍺Bräustüberl🍻 | de3 | 60,878 |
Die Germanen | de22 | 59,395 |
☠☠☠ ɃȽɄȾɌȺɄȘȻҤ ☠☠☠ | de10 | 58,212 |
🧨Abrissbirne💥 | de19 | 54,825 |
⚖️ Handel+Stärke ⚔️ | de12 | 54,588 |
Top 10 Guilds Overall (by Member Points) |
Twist of Fate | de1 | 207,611,614,549 |
🕊️ Resurrection 🕊️ | de5 | 187,777,912,758 |
⚔️🌪 Wilde 79 🌪⚔️ | de1 | 182,656,503,360 |
Outsiders | de14 | 180,927,119,439 |
Plan B | de13 | 173,373,797,550 |
! Carnivore Group ! | de7 | 173,342,591,550 |
The Unity | de18 | 169,670,499,365 |
U𝖓i𝖙e𝖉 𝔉𝖔𝖗c𝖊s | de3 | 168,393,737,433 |
Blacklist | de2 | 168,358,194,480 |
Angels Of The Night | de16 | 165,094,876,777 |
Top 10 Guilds Overall (by Battles) |
Plan B | de13 | 50,267,120 |
Twist of Fate | de1 | 49,823,309 |
🕊️ Resurrection 🕊️ | de5 | 44,929,663 |
Outsiders | de14 | 44,341,448 |
Angels Of The Night | de16 | 43,029,774 |
! Carnivore Group ! | de7 | 42,272,061 |
The Unity | de18 | 42,020,427 |
U𝖓i𝖙e𝖉 𝔉𝖔𝖗c𝖊s | de3 | 41,441,563 |
⚔️🌪 Wilde 79 🌪⚔️ | de1 | 41,146,514 |
Schwarze Engel | de24 | 40,945,803 |
Top 10 Great Buildings Overall |
Daniel der Vollstrecker | de12 | Observatorium | Level 285 |
Quoras | de7 | Arktische Orangerie | Level 263 |
Gordoz | de13 | Château Frontenac | Level 258 |
Quoras | de7 | Château Frontenac | Level 250 |
Swoopdor | de19 | Château Frontenac | Level 239 |
Snaiperiska | de13 | Leuchtturm von Alexandria | Level 230 |
Master Shake | de9 | Innovation Tower | Level 229 |
kbs2140 | de11 | Arktische Orangerie | Level 227 |
eazy m | de6 | Château Frontenac | Level 226 |
Babbo I. | de15 | Orakel von Delphi | Level 224 |