Last Updated: March 30, 2025 08:20 (EDT)
Top Player for 03-30-2025 is Fulvia 1453 la Juste with 4,136.06% points increase.
Top Fighter for 03-30-2025 is Ragnar Lothbrock with 2,500 battles.
World Statistics |
Active Players |
3,810 |
Active Fighters |
3,078 |
Players above 1,000,000 pts |
9,822 |
Players above 100,000 pts |
14,348 |
Players above 5,000 pts |
19,488 |
Players above 10,000 fights |
4,444 |
Players above 1,000 fights |
9,336 |
Players above 100 fights |
15,248 |
Players without a Guild |
6,833 |
Inactive Players |
15,551 |
Top 10 Players |
Hoocairs | 8,864,215,927 |
-Saturne | 7,196,971,429 |
luluelo | 6,917,516,942 |
Jouve Noôzôme | 6,500,412,611 |
Tarmok | 6,455,727,146 |
Seblar | 6,083,398,418 |
Gus.. | 5,565,837,872 |
Noöl | 5,457,895,909 |
gibus71 | 5,294,266,147 |
* Charlie * | 5,243,780,105 |
Top 10 Guilds (By Prestige) |
⚔️🐴L'Empire🐴⚔️ | 45,412 |
Les B.B.T | 39,302 |
⚔️La Forteresse⚔️ | 38,406 |
Le Phoenix Ardent 🔥 | 25,783 |
🐺 Rôdeurs nocturnes | 25,711 |
Génétiks Atréides | 24,721 |
Seigneurs de l'ombre | 24,296 |
Legendary | 24,046 |
☸️ LE CERCLE ☸️ | 22,780 |
Lord of Marco Polo | 22,492 |
Top 10 Guilds (by Member Points) |
Lord of Marco Polo | 177,726,957,364 |
🔥Fusion🔥 | 120,670,308,317 |
⚔️🐴L'Empire🐴⚔️ | 117,455,593,217 |
☸️ LE CERCLE ☸️ | 83,205,221,853 |
💎 Les Fantastics 💎 | 62,695,702,966 |
La Taverne | 53,855,007,867 |
Constellation Jaims | 47,425,471,263 |
FédérationDuCommerce | 30,168,338,480 |
🌴 L'asile 🌴 | 26,946,824,138 |
Les B.B.T | 24,379,447,107 |
Top 10 Guilds (by Battles) |
Lord of Marco Polo | 35,458,400 |
🔥Fusion🔥 | 30,588,970 |
⚔️🐴L'Empire🐴⚔️ | 28,861,859 |
☸️ LE CERCLE ☸️ | 23,949,041 |
💎 Les Fantastics 💎 | 16,725,090 |
La Taverne | 15,220,881 |
Constellation Jaims | 13,771,363 |
🌴 L'asile 🌴 | 7,318,581 |
JTFB la CASA | 6,928,338 |
FédérationDuCommerce | 6,628,439 |