Last Updated: February 12, 2025 02:39 (EST)
Top Player for 02-12-2025 is Molfarius from pl12 with 811.71% points increase.
Top Fighter for 02-12-2025 is Erudyta 21 from pl1 with 1,177 battles.
Server Statistics |
Active Players |
59,105 |
Active Fighters |
47,916 |
Players above 1,000,000 pts |
140,685 |
Players above 100,000 pts |
200,046 |
Players above 5,000 pts |
263,497 |
Players above 10,000 fights |
74,058 |
Players above 1,000 fights |
142,197 |
Players above 100 fights |
216,268 |
Players without a Guild |
89,575 |
Inactive Players |
203,627 |
Top 10 Players Overall |
MJN1 | pl1 | 11,602,962,517 |
GRANAT BH | pl4 | 10,577,020,619 |
aleq | pl4 | 10,086,795,787 |
finca | pl2 | 8,560,986,503 |
PETERD | pl3 | 7,847,404,674 |
skaner210 | pl4 | 7,790,891,188 |
HellUther | pl5 | 7,185,277,035 |
swiensztain | pl1 | 6,920,425,244 |
DZ666 | pl5 | 6,729,194,783 |
Jaro sław | pl1 | 6,677,502,228 |
Top 10 Guilds Overall |
Empire United | pl11 | 60,065 |
Żelazny Legion | pl2 | 59,190 |
Carpe Diem | pl9 | 56,156 |
-ViA- | pl4 | 55,393 |
SANCTUS INQUISITION | pl7 | 54,012 |
Pro | pl5 | 53,915 |
⚔️⚔️ H I V ⚔️⚔️ | pl10 | 51,744 |
Black Wolf | pl3 | 50,457 |
DARK ANGELS | pl6 | 49,081 |
Dark Rebbels | pl2 | 48,485 |
Top 10 Guilds Overall (by Member Points) |
BLACK HYDRA | pl4 | 192,303,335,143 |
PRO | pl3 | 179,783,431,621 |
Żelazny Legion | pl2 | 171,694,708,619 |
The Last Dance | pl3 | 156,115,867,655 |
Stormlight | pl1 | 154,614,721,920 |
NIGHTWATCH | pl4 | 151,835,553,252 |
DARK ANGELS | pl10 | 149,715,661,603 |
LIBERUM | pl6 | 149,613,994,556 |
Shot In The Dark | pl3 | 145,126,150,025 |
PER ASPERA AD ASTRA | pl5 | 138,342,537,599 |
Top 10 Guilds Overall (by Battles) |
Żelazny Legion | pl2 | 45,905,286 |
BLACK HYDRA | pl4 | 44,997,727 |
PRO | pl3 | 43,464,490 |
Valhalla | pl7 | 38,465,193 |
The Last Dance | pl3 | 38,398,785 |
DARK ANGELS | pl10 | 38,020,764 |
NIGHTWATCH | pl4 | 36,689,811 |
Shot In The Dark | pl3 | 36,657,652 |
Demony | pl9 | 36,302,128 |
Stormlight | pl1 | 35,815,565 |
Top 10 Great Buildings Overall |
Lord MarcinS | pl5 | Castel del Monte | Level 250 |
Neonn | pl12 | Château Frontenac | Level 239 |
Kuzi111 | pl4 | Château Frontenac | Level 232 |
NewChance | pl5 | Château Frontenac | Level 231 |
friikosenior | pl4 | Château Frontenac | Level 228 |
anathema81 | pl1 | Castel del Monte | Level 220 |
albimatos | pl7 | Château Frontenac | Level 220 |
alczuk | pl7 | Arka | Level 217 |
goalis | pl5 | Château Frontenac | Level 217 |
Antroch | pl11 | Château Frontenac | Level 216 |